Friday, April 17, 2009

What happens when you miss or are late to meetings…

Within 24 hours I managed to miss two important meetings. One, I never knew I was suppose to attend the other I couldn’t get transport until two hours later so by the time I showed up I had missed two thirds of the meeting. During the second meeting the entire CACOC nominated me to go around to all the schools to inform learners about National HIV Testing Day and to help start up any HIV/AIDS awareness clubs, you know because I’m not busy enough already. The other meeting was with our hospital and no one told me about it but today I show up to work to not only find out about the meeting but also that I have been selected as the data analysis for National Testing Day statistics for our entire district. What the @$!# ?!? This is what happens when you are not there, you get the most insane and hardest jobs for whatever events and you can’t say no because you are the bottom fish in this ocean. Going to schools…eh whatever it’s annoying cause I have so much other stuff to do for National Testing Day but it’s something I really enjoy doing and I offered the Principals last year to help set up these clubs but I was assured they already existed and functioned perfectly. The data analysis?!? I have no epidemiology programs or tools so I can’t do what I want to do, instead it’s going to be making simple excel worksheets and charts, something that’s really easy but time consuming and sadly I’m one of the few at my hospital who can do it.

Ugh. How many more National/International/World _____ Day(s) do we have left until I leave in December?

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