Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Return: Home sweet home!

Who knew I'd be so happy to hear people talking in clicks, it's the greatest sound to me ears. I’ve been home for a week and gosh as if I needed to fall in love with Outjo all over again everyday has just reminded me why I’m so happy here. It’s rainy season and the idea of our new hospital (which is like 4 feet off the ground) flooding is really entertaining, my co-workers are taking photos. It is quite odd but then again Outjo is getting crazy rain this year so who knows what will happen. I just need to keep the rain out of my office because I have a brand new computer. The Spanish NGO, Medico del Mundo (which funds most of our HIV/AIDS projects) donated a brand new computer to my “department” so I can actually do the job I’m suppose to be doing rather than using spray paint and markers to make health education materials, thanks MDM! The rains also mean that Outjo is green, oh so beautiful. I had almost forgot that during rainy season it actually looks like what I had expected Africa to look like, lush green rolling hills, not the desert that it is. Sadly my walks have stopped as I have no desire to be bitten by a snake in a country that has like an indefinite back order for anti-venom, warning to all travelers : ) Yesterday I just ran in the puddles with the kids at the nearby school hostel, gosh I forgot how much fun that is. So vacation is over, work has started. Although I’m loving my new love affair with Outjo I’m forced to stay inside and make STD pamphlets from 8-5, eh, I guess I didn’t sign up for a two year vacation anyways, right?

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