Sunday, April 6, 2008

Oh the time change is going to change my life…

Random pieces of the weekend in Outjo:

Saturday I was able to go to the cutest thing in Namibia. All the preschoolers in the location gathered for a type of “field day” or track competion. It was adorable to see children so excited about their events, I mean 3-6year olds running, jumping, participating in relay events, ADORABLE. The teachers were so into it as well and the parents, well they reminded me of my own mother at my soccer and waterpolo games. The kids didn’t get anything for winning but it didn’t matter. The children looked happier than most kids look on Christmas day. Seriously, what a great day, so much fun for everyone there.

Today officially was the time change in Namibia. The sun woke me up at 5:30 this morning when it normally doesn’t shine in my eyes until after 6:45. It was so hot by 7 there was no way I was going running. The good thing about the time change is that now it won’t be cold in the morning so my freezing cold shower (oh yeah my electricity and hot water are off, yea I’m actually in normal Namibia now) won’t kill me as much as it used to. Now it gets pitch black at like 6:15 at night. So much for my nightly runs, so much for my routine in Outjo, gosh now I’ll have to once again wake up early to run in the cold, at least now there is light.

Special note: rainy season is over. It’s hot (not summer hot, more like September in California) and dry. Oh winter cannot come quick enough.

I totally rocked some chocolate chip cookies today. Then to make the weekend more perfect I added some ice cream and enjoyed an ice cream chocolate chip cookie sandwhich.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda Jane.
I was searching for info on Namibia's DST application to prove some textbooks here in South Africa wrong and others right. Nice reading your blog entry among the other bland theory. Clocks are changed in Namibia for DST. Can you perhaps let me know if DST applies in Southern Hemisphere Winter or Summer in Namibia? Thanks Anton