Tuesday, July 1, 2008

oh technology....

Dear Macintosh Corporation,

Did I do something to you? Why do you insist on ruining my life? I have always been a Mac user and supporter but lately you have me questioning if you are out to get me. Yes, I was sad when my old iBook died the day I arrived in Namibia but I understood it was old and well I was lucky to have it as long as I did. I totally looked past when my brand new iPod kept screwing up and constantly needed to be restarted after freezing up every week. I have also begun to forgive you guys for the sadness caused when the shuffle my mom bought me (for safer running in Africa) didn’t work, straight out of the box. I mean that was sad, she was so excited to have bought it and put a message on it and I receive it in Namibia in it’s Apple packaging and it’s a dud. But, that’s life I guess. It’s just now my brand new MacBook, literally less than six months old is acting up and yesterday a DVD got stuck in it and broke the lens so I have to replace the entire CD/DVD drive, wtf? Hey, I’m a Peace Corps volunteer which means one, I’m trying to do some good in the world, two, I live on about 200USD a month and three, my computer is my life here. I cannot afford to keep getting Apple products fixed, especially when they are brand new and I’m trying to take super good care of them. You don’t have a store here and the only shop which sells anything Apple or could fix anything Apple is not exactly close. I mean this is getting ridiculous. So please whatever I did to deserve this forgive me and lets go back to the loving relationship we used to have before I joined the Peace Corps, SERIOUSLY!

Wishing for better luck with Mac products in Namibia in the future,

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